We, Loka Ahlinn hold the project inception ceremony of promoting participatory and accountable local governance in Tanintharyi Region project on 9th July 2015 in Dawei. The main objective of the event is to inform multiple stakeholders about the project including project scope of work, objectives, activities and budget, etc. U Myat Ko, the regional chief minister, conducted the opening speech.
And then, Silvia FACCHINELLO, the project manager of governance and public administration program, Delegation of the European Union to Myanmar, U Tun Lin Oo, the executive director of Loka Ahlinn and Chris Vander Valk, and the representative of VNG International also provided the introductory remark separately. After that, U Kyaw Swa Swe conducted the brief presentation on the project activities and expected outcomes and Emille Rolle also explained about the nature of first activity, the local governance mapping.
Following the presentation, some stakeholders asked the questions regarding to selection criteria for training participants form government staffs, plan to training center establishment and project budget’s transparency and then the program director answered these questions. There were about 100 people from difference background such as political parties, regional government staffs including regional ministers, civil society organizations, private sectors and local media attended the ceremony.